

httsleep polls a HTTP endpoint until it receives a response that matches a success condition. It returns a requests.Response object.

from httsleep import httsleep
response = httsleep('http://myendpoint/jobs/1', until={'status_code': 200})

In this example, httsleep will fire a HTTP GET request at http://myendpoint/jobs/1 every 2 seconds, retrying a maximum of 50 times, until it gets a response with a status code of 200.

We can change these defaults to poll once a minute, but a maximum of 10 times:

    response = httsleep('http://myendpoint/jobs/1', until={'status_code': 200},
                        max_retries=10, polling_interval=60)
except StopIteration:
    print "Max retries has been exhausted!"

Similar to the Requests library, we can also set the auth to a (username, password) tuple and headers to a dict of headers if necessary. It is worth noting that these are provided as a convenience, since many APIs will require some form of authentication and client headers, and that httsleep doesn’t duplicate the Requests library’s API wholesale. Instead, you can pass a requests.Request object in place of the URL in more specific cases (e.g. polling using a POST request):

from requests import Request
req = Request('http://myendpoint/jobs/1', method='POST',
              data={'payload': 'here'})
response = httsleep(req, until={'status_code': 200})

If you want to share headers, cookies etc. across multiple different HTTP requests (e.g. to maintain auth credentials), you might make use of a Session object.

import requests
session = requests.Session()
session.verify = False
session.headers.update({'Authorization': 'token=%s' % auth_token,
                        'Content-Type': 'application/json'})

response = session.post('http://server/jobs/create', data=data)
response = httsleep('http://server/jobs/1', session=session, until={'status_code': 200})
response = session.get('http://server/jobs/1/output')

If we’re polling a server with a dodgy network connection, we might not want to break on a requests.exceptions.ConnectionError, but instead keep polling:

from requests.exceptions import ConnectionError
response = httsleep('http://myendpoint/jobs/1', until={'status_code': 200},


Let’s move on to specifying conditions. These are the conditions which, when met, cause httsleep to stop polling.

There are five conditions built in to httsleep:

  • status_code
  • text
  • json
  • jsonpath
  • callback

The Basics

We’ve seen that status_code can be used to poll until a response with a certain status code is received. text and json are similar:

# Poll until the response body is the string "OK!":
httsleep('http://myendpoint/jobs/1', until={'text': 'OK!'})
# Poll until the json-decoded response has a certain value:
httsleep('http://myendpoint/jobs/1', until={'json': {'status': 'OK'}})

If a json condition is specified but no JSON object could be decoded in the response, a ValueError bubbles up. If needs be, this can be ignored by specifying ignore_exceptions.


The json condition is all well and good, but what if we’re querying a resource on a RESTful API? The response may look something like the following:

    "id": 35872,
    "created": "2016-01-01 12:00:00",
    "updated": "2016-02-14 14:25:20",
    "status": "OK"

We won’t necessarily know what the entire response (e.g. the object’s ID, creation date, update date) will look like. This is where JSONPath comes into play. JSONPath makes it easy to focus on the information we want to compare in the JSON response and forget about everything else.

To assert that the status key of the JSON response is equal to "OK", we can use the following JSONPath query:

         until={'jsonpath': [{'expression': 'status', 'value': 'OK'}]})

httsleep uses jsonpath-rw to evaluate JSONPath expressions. If you’re familiar with this library, you can also use pre-compiled JSONPath expressions:

from jsonpath_rw.jsonpath import Fields
         until={'jsonpath': [{'expression': Fields('status'), 'value': 'OK'}]})

You might notice that the jsonpath value is a list. A response has only one status code, and only one body, but multiple JSONPath expressions might evaluate true for the JSON content returned. Therefore, you can string multiple JSONPaths together in a list. Logically, they will be evaluated with a boolean AND.

JSONPath is a highly powerful language, similar to XPath for XML. This section just skims the surface of what’s possible with this language. To find out more about JSONPath and how to use it to build complex expressions, please refer to its documentation.


The last condition to have a look at is callback. This allows you to use your own function to evaluate the response and is intended for very specific cases where the other conditions might not be flexible enough.

A callback function should return True if the response matches. Any other return value will be interpreted as failure by httsleep, and it will keep polling.

Here is an example of a callback that makes sure the last_scheduled_change is in the past.

import datetime

def ensure_scheduled_change_in_past(response):
    data = response.json()
    last_scheduled_change = datetime.datetime.strptime(
        data['last_scheduled_change'], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
    if last_scheduled_change < datetime.datetime.utcnow():
        return True

httsleep('http://myendpoint/jobs/1', until={'callback': ensure_scheduled_change_in_past})

Multiple Conditionals

It’s possible to use multiple conditions simultaneously to assert many different things. Multiple conditions are joined using a boolean “AND”.

For example, the following httsleep call will poll until a response with status code 200 AND an empty dict in the JSON body are received:

         until={'status_code': 200, 'json': {}})

Setting Alarms

Let’s return to a previous example:

# Poll until the json-decoded response has a certain value:
httsleep('http://myendpoint/jobs/1', until={'json': {'status': 'OK'}})

What if the job running on the remote server errors out and gets a status of ERROR? httsleep would keep polling the endpoint, waiting for a status of OK, until its max_retries had been exhausted – not exactly what we’d like to happen.

This is because no alarms have been set.

Alarms can be set using the alarms kwarg, just like success conditions can be set using the until kwarg. Every time it polls an endpoint, httsleep always checks whether any alarms are set, and if so, evaluates them. If the response matches an alarm condition, an httsleep.exceptions.Alarm exception is raised. If not, httsleep goes on and checks the success conditions.

Here is a version of the example above, modified so that it raises an httsleep.exceptions.Alarm if the job status is set to ERROR:

from httsleep.exceptions import Alarm
             until={'json': {'status': 'OK'}},
             alarms={'json': {'status': 'ERROR'}})
except Alarm as e:
    print "Got a response with status ERROR!"
    print "Here's the response:", e.response
    print "And here's the alarm went off:", e.alarm

As can be seen here, the response object is stored in the exception, along with the alarm that was triggered.

Any conditions, or combination thereof, can be used to set alarms.

Chaining Conditionals and Alarms

We’ve seen that conditions can be joined together with a boolean “AND” by packing them into a single dictionary.

There are cases where we might want to join conditions using boolean “OR”. In these cases, we simply use lists:

         until=[{'json': {'status': 'SUCCESS'}},
                {'json': {'status': 'PENDING'}}])

This means, “sleep until the json response is {"status": "SUCCESS"} OR {"status": "PENDING"}”.

As always, we can use the same technique for alarms:

         until=[{'json': {'status': 'SUCCESS'}},
                {'json': {'status': 'PENDING'}}],
         alarms=[{'json': {'status': 'ERROR'}},
                 {'json': {'status': 'TIMEOUT'}}])

Putting it all together

As we’ve seen in this short tutorial, you can really squeeze a lot of flexibility out of httsleep.

We can see how far this can be taken in the next example:

until = {
    'status_code': 200,
    'jsonpath': [{'expression': 'status', 'value': 'OK'}]
alarms = [
    {'json': {'status': 'ERROR'}},
    {'jsonpath': [{'expression': 'status', 'value': 'UNKNOWN'},
                  {'expression': 'owner', 'value': 'Chris'}],
    'callback': is_job_really_failing},
    {'status_code': 404}
httsleep('http://myendpoint/jobs/1', until=until, alarms=alarms,

Translated into English, this means:

  • Poll http://myendpoint/jobs/1 – at most 20 times – until
    • it returns a status code of 200
    • AND the status key in its response has the value OK
  • but raise an error if
    • the status key has the value ERROR
    • OR the status key has the value UNKNOWN AND the owner key has the value Chris AND the function is_job_really_dying returns True
    • OR the status code is 404